Sunday, November 20, 2005

CSU Campus Village

This is a picture of the new $240 million Campus Village built by the California State University Trustees in San Jose. Many CSU students and alumni in San Jose believe its proper name should be and is the "CSU Campus Village". The CSU Spartans support the development of a balanced state-city identity at the California State University campus in San Jose. To learn more, please see California State University, San Jose

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Spartan Squad Says UOP is a Spartan Rival?


Why is the Spartan Squad promoting obscure schools like UOP as Spartan Rivals on the squad's A.S. website? UOP doesn't even have a freakin' football team!

Spartan football's biggest rival should be UC-Berkeley, a school the California State Normal School (now "SJSU") has played frequently since the 1800s. See: Our other rivalries should be Stanford and other major state universities like Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon State, Washington State, etc.Come on, Spartan Squad, stop trying to promote our University as a small time D1AA city college. We are the oldest CSU, founded as California State by the California Legislature in 1862. Stop trying to make us a small-time city college.

California State Spartans