Sunday, May 07, 2006

Join the CSU Students of San Jose!

The CSU Students of San Jose is a group for students who are conscious of San Jose's identity as the original and oldest California State University (CSU) campus, and who want to maximize the value of their degrees by marketing themselves under this prestigious and valuable identity.

We currently have more than 170 members on Yahoo and Myspace, but if you are a CSU student or recent grad we need your help and support. Join Us Today!

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CSU Students of San Jose

Thursday, May 04, 2006

New CSU Identity Does Nothing for SJ Students, Alumni

The CSU has a great new identity package for the Chancellor's office, but students and alumni from the original and oldest California State (1862) institution of higher learning are still prohibited from effectively identifying and marketing themselves as CSU graduates.

Is this fair or right, and why don't the CSU Trustees or the Chancellor's office help students and alumni in San Jose secure their full rights as CSU students/alumni?

Also, why does the CSU use the 1857 year of establishment of the City of San Francisco Minn's Normal School, instead of the May 2, 1862, date the California Legislature established the California State Normal School, which became the CSU? This is a clear violation of both the letter and spirit the 1862 Legislation.